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Molino de Alcuneza
(from) US$ 229.95

Molino de Alcuneza



This property is annually closed. Reopening on 13/02/2025

Awaken all the senses

Tradition in a rural setting

Juan Moreno

Discover our traditions. Juan Moreno will explain the history of the mill and show you the mechanism in action. He will take you on a tour of the orchard and greenhouses where all the produce used in our dishes is grown. Depending on the season, he will take you truffle or mushroom hunting.

Juan Moreno - Owner
Molino de Alcuenza - Starlight (2)
Molino de Alcuenza - Starlight (8)
Molino de Alcuenza - Starlight (4)
Molino de Alcuenza - Starlight

Starlight Reserve – Stars under the Siguënza sky

The Sierra Norte of Guadalajara is a region boasting one of the most beautiful night skies in Spain due to its lack of both air and light pollution. Since January 2022, our skies have been classified as a Starlight Reserve. At El Molino de Alcuneza, we have a Starlight guide who will explain to you what is observable in the night sky depending on the weather. He will teach you to find your bearings, recognize the major stars and constellations, locate the visible planets and the Milky Way, and a whole lot more. During this engaging hour-long discussion, you’ll explore the night sky with the naked eye, binoculars, and a telescope.

Local products

Blanca Moreno

Enjoy the local cuisine and regional artisanal products. Visit our store and try our local specialities. The workshops of Sigüenza's artisans are well worth a visit: bee keepers, bookmakers, painters and engravers. Finish with a guided tour of the medieval centre in the company of a local historian.

Blanca Moreno - Maître de Maison