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Morukuru Family Madikwe

Morukuru Family Madikwe

South AfricaMadikwe Game Reserve


Awaken all the senses

Morukuru Family Madikwe - Male lion sighting

Game Drive

Your experienced guide and tracker will take you out for a game drive in an open vehicle twice a day, offering you the chance of spotting the Big Five as well as many other animals. The best times are early morning and late afternoon, as that is when the animals are most active. Times are flexible however, to accommodate your needs. Children of all ages are welcome to join on game drives as well, booster seats are available should these be required. Please remember to bring something warm, especially during the winter months. You will stop during the drive for a coffee break, or for sundowner drinks to watch the amazing African sunsets.

Morukuru Family Madikwe - romantic sleepout

Hide sleep-out

One of the most exciting things to do in Africa is a 'sleep-out': Spend the night on an elevated platform in the bush, under the stars, accompanied by the sounds of the animals. You'll be sleeping in a comfortable bed protected by a mosquito net, under a thick duvet with a hot water bottle, slippers, spotlight, drinks and snacks provided, as well as a radio to contact the guide in case of emergency. This experience is offered at no additional costs.

Morukuru Family Madikwe - Spa at Farm House (3)


Treat yourself to a Morukuru Family wellness therapy, possible in our sala overlooking the Marico River, on the viewing platform at Morukuru Farm House, at the poolside or, in your room for ultimate privacy.

Morukuru Family Madikwe - Rhino notching (5)

Safaris with a purpose

Morukuru Family, through the Morukuru Goodwill Foundation, supports nature conservation as well as local communities. In Madikwe Game Reserve, guests can be actively involved by booking the optional 'Safaris with a Purpose' package which includes conservation work such as Rhino notching or Elephant collaring, as well as visiting the local school that is sponsored and one of the researchers in the reserve will come to the house for a presentation on the research work that is happening.