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Jabulani Safari
(from) US$ 2,203.13

Jabulani Safari

South AfricaHoedspruit


Awaken all the senses

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Soulful Safari

Adine Roode

“The Big 5 wilderness of our private reserve is one of the last remaining wild spaces in the world where Africa’s wildlife still roam and thrive under the protection of people all working to care for the land, its animals and its neighbouring human communities. The safari experience at Jabulani takes you deep into the wild, but even deeper in understanding and compassion for the natural world. Witness sunrises and sets with lion prides and wandering warthogs, sturdy buffalo and towering giraffes, wild elephant herds and a rescued one, leopard stalking in trees and rhino dusting the ground, sharing the same earth, with endless birdlife flittering past your game vehicle on day and night drives.”

Adine Roode - Maître de Maison
Jabulani Family Safari

Family Time

“Nature and the animal kingdom are long-held keepers of excitement, possibility, knowledge and fun. A kid’s paradise where anything is possible and winding paths lead to great wonderlands. We have witnessed this potential of the wilderness to touch the hearts and minds of the youngest of our guests at Jabulani and created the JabuJuniors programme to give young safari-goers the chance to experience African wildlife and to dig deeper into the world of soulful conservation. On safari with us they can become mini rangers, conservationists or creatives. Families can also choose to stay at our exclusive-use Zindoga Villa which welcomes children of all ages and is an ideal size for multi-generational families.” 

Stefan du Toit - General Manager
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Elephant experiences

“The rescued Jabulani herd of elephants spend their daytime roaming, foraging and swimming out in the reserve, with their dedicated carers walking with them and keeping them protected and safe. The elephant orphans rehabilitated at HERD (Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development) are integrated into the herd and accompany the elephants on these adventures. Our guests can witness these magnificent gentle giants and little ones on game drives, as they splash about in the mud and waterholes, and grab a drink from the dam at a sundowner setting. It’s an experience that opens your heart and mind to the elephant species forever. I know that my heart is with them eternally.”

Tigere Matipedza - Elephant Manager