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Herdade da Malhadinha Nova
(from) US$ 331.24

Herdade da Malhadinha Nova



This property is annually closed. Reopening on 27/12/2024

Awaken all the senses

Hot air balloon flight_1
Experience_Herdade_hot air balloon

Alentejo from the sky

Immerse yourself in the splendor of a sunrise over the Alentejo region while on a hot air balloon ride. Marvel at the breathtaking views over Portugal's largest region, rich in both history and geology. This flyover will reveal the romantic cities of the surrounding region as well as the voluptuously formed mountains that punctuate the horizon. Landscapes bursting with color and inundated with rays of light will leave images engraved in your mind for all eternity. Upon your return to the landing site, you will be greeted by a gourmet breakfast full of delicious treats. It will prolong the wonder as well as the exquisite feeling of living life to the fullest.


Visit a vineyard on horseback

Set off on a memorable horseback ride accompanied by Pedro Sousa, the winery's equestrian expert. There is no better way to explore and discover the property’s vineyards. The tempo of winegrowing, the earthly resonance of the region, and the majesty of its landscapes can all be found in the gait and noble stature of the property's Lusitano horses you’ll have the privilege of riding. Reputed to be the faithful companion of kings, this purebred is considered to be the oldest saddle horse in the world. Whether you prefer a medium or more sustained pace while on horseback, a new sensation of freedom and an unbelievable feeling of communing with nature will overwhelm you.

Experience Quad - Herdade

Off-road adventure

Unleash your inner adventurer and get your adrenaline pumping as you ride a quad bike along the trails adjacent to the property. The unique fauna and flora of Malhadinha Nova will be revealed at high speed as you negotiate splendid landscapes along steep curvy paths. To capture these moments of intense beauty and extreme sensations, the property provides you with an onboard camera. It will allow you to relive in detail the best moments of your exploits at the handlebars of the famous four-wheeler. A hair-raising experience for sure!