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Otahuna Lodge
(from) US$ 2,068.51

Otahuna Lodge

New ZealandChristchurch


Awaken all the senses

Thirty Acres of Gardens

Hall Cannon and Miles Refo

“The restoration of our gardens over the last eight years has unearthed many surprises in all seasons. One million daffodils welcome guests to the Lodge in the spring whilst in the autumn, guests delight in foraging for cepe mushrooms under the century-old oaks with our gardeners. Wander the grounds to discover lawns, hidden glades, ponds, productive gardens, a formal parterre and woodland trails. Or join us for a complimentary tour -an excellent way to immerse yourself in the history of this Victorian Estate.”

Hall Cannon and Miles Refo - Maître de Maison


Jimmy McIntyre

“Dine in the grand Dining Room with other guests or choose your own adventure – in the cosy library by a roaring fire, in the elegant turret room looking out at the roses or al fresco by the pool on a warm summer evening. In season we source approximately 70% of our produce from our own gardens, orchard, glasshouses and farm. If you like, join us in the kitchen to see how we make the most out of the freshest ingredients available.”

A World of Landscapes

Hall Cannon and Miles Refo

“Canterbury is the largest and most geographically diverse province in New Zealand – our guests are spoilt for choice in deciding how to fill their days. Within 2 hour’s drive from the Lodge can drive along the crater rim of an extinct volcano looking down 300 metres to the ocean, swim with the world’s smallest dolphins in a quiet harbour, fly-fish for trout or salmon in virgin streams, have an ice picnic on glaciated mountains, hike through native beech forests, sample Pinot Noir and Riesling in the Waipara wine region and more. Or simply relax by our pool in summer and enjoy the historic architecture and interiors of the Lodge.”

Hall Cannon and Miles Refo - Maître de Maison