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Il Luogo Aimo e Nadia
Menu from US$ 229.34

Il Luogo Aimo e Nadia



Awaken all the senses

1. Experience Chef for a day_ph Paolo Terzi
2. Experience Chef for a day_ph Adriano Mauri
3. Experience Chef for a day_ph Adriano Mauri
4. Experience Chef for a day_ph Adriano Mauri
5. Experience Chef for a day_ph Paolo Terzi

Chef for a day

A personalized experience to follow the true daily routine of a chef, accompanied by one of our Chefs, Alessandro or Fabio: from the early morning shopping at the General Markets of Milan, to the preparation of the meal in the kitchen, concluding with lunch in our company where you will taste some of our most famous dishes alongside the new creations, with wine pairing.

1. Experience Theatrum dei Sapori_ph Paolo Terzi
2. Experience Theatrum dei Sapori_ph Paolo Terzi
3. Experience Theatrum dei Sapori_ph Paolo Terzi
4. Experience Theatrum dei Sapori_ph Paolo Terzi
5. Experience Theatrum dei Sapori_ph Paolo Terzi

Theatrum dei sapori

The 'Theatrum dei sapori', adjoined to the restaurant, houses an open kitchen with two large wooden tables for guests, where ingredients and raw materials of our territory will be protagonists of a group and thematic dinners, tastings, presentations, personalized experiences with the chef, specialized training courses, workshops and international research and development projects.

1. Experience Voce Aimo e Nadia
2. Experience Voce Aimo e Nadia_Ph Marco Tabasso
3. Experience Voce Aimo e Nadia_La Dispensa
6. Experience Voce Aimo e Nadia
4. Experience Voce Aimo e Nadia
5. Experience Voce Aimo e Nadia
8. Experience Voce Aimo e Nadia_Il Giardino di Alessando Manzoni
9. Experience Voce Aimo e Nadia_Il Giardino di Alessanro Manzoni
7. Experience Voce Aimo e Nadia_Il Desco di Alessandro Manzoni

Voce Aimo e Nadia

A reference point for a gastronomic culture that dialogues with the Museum of Gallerie d’Italia. A unique project in which food, culture and art are intertwined in three different spaces: the bookshop, the cafeteria and the restaurant. And recently also the secret garden 'Voce in Giardino', with its restaurant and the cocktail bar. 

7. Experience bistRo Aimo e Nadia
1. Experience bistRo Aimo e Nadia
2. Experience bistRo Aimo e Nadia
3. Experience bistRo Aimo e Nadia
8. Experience bistRo Aimo e Nadia
5. Experience bistRo Aimo e Nadia
4. Experience bistRo Aimo e Nadia
6. Experience bistRo Aimo e Nadia

Aimo e Nadia bistRo

Aimo e Nadia bistRo is the result of the happy encounter between the culture of Italian gastronomy of Il Luogo Aimo e Nadia and the design of the Rossana Orlandi Gallery. The outdoor space 'bistRo in Cortile' is housed in the blooming yard of the Rossana Orlandi Gallery, a hidden city Eden in the heart of Milan.

5. bis Experience The spiritual food of the traveller_Ph Paolo Terzi
1. Experience The spiritual food of the traveller_Ph Paolo Terzi

The spiritual food of the traveller

In the great city of Milan, discover a world of arts and thoughts: "Un nuovo paesaggio nutre il viandante. Natura/Narrazione-Astrazione/Trasfigurazione" (A new landscape nourishes the traveller. Nature/Narration-Abstraction/Transfiguration) by Paolo Ferrari, artist and scientist, with Simona Riboni, architect and Aurelio Colombo, stage designer. This composition gives an extra sense of place nestled in the heart of the Lombardy countryside with its irrigation ditches, canals, fields and ever-changing rice fields. These artworks also speak from the walls of the villages in an equivocal impetus which invites you to see the world differently: exquisite spiritual food for those who dare taste it.