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Grand Hôtel de Cala Rossa & Spa Nucca

Grand Hôtel de Cala Rossa & Spa Nucca

FranceLecci de Porto-Vecchio


This property is annually closed. Reopening on 07/05/2025

Awaken all the senses

the call of the sea

Hop aboard Anna, Cala Rossa's fishing boat, for a cruise out to sea. Don't forget your snorkels and flippers, as Anna whisks you off to deserted coves where you'll be treated to an exceptional opportunity to explore the sea bed. When hunger strikes, you're in safe hands as our chef will be ready and waiting to put together a gourmet picnic.

the gems of porto-vecchio and its surroundings

Heavenly beaches in the foreground, mountains rising up in the distance, extraordinary historical sites. Welcome to unique world of Porto-Vecchio.

Bamboo tree house on stilts

This Bamboo tree house on stilts is sure to make an impression, owing to the pine forest that surrounds it, as well as the charm of the unusual bedroom. Covering an area of 37m² (for 2 people), wood and raw materials take pride of place inside. Complete with bathroom with bath and separate Italian shower, it has all the comfort of a room at a luxury hotel. Enjoy some quiet contemplation on the terrace or simply spend some time doing nothing.

Cabine Spa
Hammam - Spa Nucca
Sauna - Spa Nucca

well-being experience at the nucca spa

An unforgettable journey into Corsica's maquis, or scrubland. We started with ingredients taken from Cala Rossa's gorgeous vegetable patch, before moving on to seek inspiration in our island's wild, untouched landscapes. 

cala rossa's vegetable patch

Vegetable patches have withstood the test of time, a fixture on the landscape from convents to castles, cooperative gardens to urban patches and countryside orchards. Cala Rossa's vegetable patch is a dream come true.