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Château de La Chèvre d’Or
(from) US$ 652.03

Château de La Chèvre d’Or



Awaken all the senses

La Chèvre d'Or - 2019 - Copyright 19 Rivoli Photography - James Pouliot (26)
La Chèvre d'Or - 2019 - Copyright 19 Rivoli Photography - James Pouliot (24)
La Chèvre d'Or - 2019 - Copyright 19 Rivoli Photography - James Pouliot (30)
La Chèvre d'Or - 2019 - Copyright 19 Rivoli Photography - James Pouliot (31)

A breathtaking view over the Mediterranean

Hanging from the steep slopes of the Riviera, the Château de la Chèvre d’Or overlooks the sea and enjoys a breathtaking view. This incredible and exceptional panorama will make a lasting impression and will most probably remain etched in your memory forever.

Èze village: a picturesque village on the Côte d'Azur

With its breathtaking views of the azure blue Mediterranean, Èze is one of the most picturesque villages on the Riviera. Near Monaco, this small medieval settlement stands proudly on a high rocky outcrop. With cobbled alleyways and well-preserved houses, Èze has retained the authenticity of Provence’s villages. It’s an unmissable spot on the Côte d’Azur!

The senses workshop

"Spend a day stimulating all your senses with a dazzling beauty programme, wonderful scents and smells, incredible tastes: floral art, perfume creation, guided tour of the exotic garden and a meal in our two Michelin-starred gourmet restaurant, La Chèvre d 'Or."

Mara Ferris

Èze’s exotic gardens: a poetic botanical walk

At more than 1400 feet above the Mediterranean, the exotic gardens of Èze are located on the site of an old medieval fortress.  Caves, waterfalls, desert and Mediterranean plants fill this unusually rich botanical area. As you stroll along the garden’s paths, take the time to admire the breathtaking panorama that extends as far as the eye can see in front of you. Enjoy a moment of relaxation on a deck chair as you listen to nature and savor its beauty.

Monaco Oceanographic Museum

Just 15 minutes from the Château de la Chèvre d’Or, discover the Monaco Oceanographic Museum. Built on the slopes of the rock of Monaco by Prince Albert I in 1889, this museum of the sea is lapped by the waters of the Mediterranean. 6000 species of fish fill the 90 tanks in this building that covers almost one and a half acres. It’s a must-visit attractions for anyone passionate about the deep blue!

Splendours of the French Riviera

Splendours of the French Riviera

Thierry Naidu

"A breathtaking view, a sea trip on one of the most glamorous boats, Saint-Tropez, picnic on the beach ... one of the most romantic and exciting days ever!"

Thierry Naidu - Maître de Maison