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Les Maisons de Bricourt
(from) US$ 239.54

Les Maisons de Bricourt

FranceSaint Méloir des Ondes


This property is annually closed. Reopening on 26/02/2025

Awaken all the senses

Marine cuisine and garden vegetables with fragrant spices

Olivier Rœllinger

This cuisine expresses the spellbinding charm of Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, the beliefs of the Celtic culture, and the adventurous history of seafaring France.
An increasingly sea-inspired cuisine thanks to Hugo Roellinger's passion for Brittany's seaweed.

A meeting with the moon and sea

"The foreshore is the fascinating sandy zone that the waves tirelessly lap. The tidal range on the shore spans nearly 15 metres, a unique intermingling of elements that provides seafood of an incomparable quality. The 250 million cubic meters of water that enter and leave Mont-Saint-Michel Bay twice a day protect it from pollution and maintain this ecosystem. It also creates an incredible natural landscape for us all to contemplate!"

The French art of spices. "The Unique French Art of Blending Spices"

Olivier Rœllinger

"To enable cooks to easily make use of a variety of spices, I created spice powders and infused oils that perfectly enhance our local products, those treasures of the surf and the earth. Much like a 'nose' in perfumery, I consider myself a 'palate' in the creation of flavours. This ability has always enabled me to express the adventurous spirit of the St-Malo area, to carry my thoughts beyond the horizon, to quench a thirst for the open sea that I hope to share with you."


The Ferme du Vent's Bains Celtiques

Olivier Roellinger

Located at the Ferme du Vent, the Bains Celtiques® are striking for their reliance on raw materials. Partially open to the elements, the baths provide water, warmth and light, and open on to a dramatic landscape. The Bains Celtiques® offer an expert fusion of ayurveda medicine and the treasures of the Breton coastline. The treatments focus on the feet and are delivered by the delicate touch of therapist Gwenn Libouban, who can transform heaviness to lightness and recentre clients in a state of disarray. An immersion in the very energy of the elements!

Olivier Roellinger - Maître de Maison