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Nayara Springs
(from) US$ 875

Nayara Springs

Costa RicaLa Fortuna de San Carlos


Amor Loco

  • Creative cooking

The 'Amor Loco' restaurant offers gastronomic riches in an intentionally romantic decor inspired by Morocco and India. At the Nayara, we are convinced that a good meal can give rise to some of life’s finest moments. We therefore offer a comprehensive experience that combines exquisite cuisine, a refined setting, a large selection of drinks, and live music every evening. Let us prepare the finest of romantic dinners and put your trust in us for a most magical evening.


Cielito Lindo Pool Bar

  • Creative cooking

At Nayara Springs, you can take advantage of the 'Cielito Lindo' bar with pool. You’ll find a varied menu of cocktails and house specialties that our mixologists will be delighted to prepare for you, from the classics to the more original. At the 'Cielito Lindo', open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., you can order from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., making it an ideal place to relax after a day of sightseeing trips and activities. Choose from various snacks and light bites on the menu - most of them traditional - or opt for a delicious pizza, cooked on our wood oven.

Mi Cafecito

We created 'Mi Cafecito' to bring our guests Costa Rican coffee, the like of which they’ve never tasted before. Nestled in an oasis of greenery and lulled by the sounds of nature, 'Mi Cafecito' greets guests with myriad delightful aromas obtained from the complex roasting process our talented baristas have elevated to an art form. Come and spend some downtime here, where the rustic quality of wood provides an interesting contrast with the elegant high ceilings. The perfect place to enjoy a good book, a nice chat, a game of pool, or just a quiet moment to admire the tropical forest from the terrace. Learn how to appreciate this highly coveted drink and uncover the journey it took on its way to your cup. To find out all there is know what about coffee, attend a course with our experts, who’ll be able to explain every aspect of this fascinating plant.
