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Nayara Springs
(from) US$ 455

Nayara Springs

Costa RicaLa Fortuna de San Carlos


Awaken all the senses

Romantic Dining: A private initimate fantasy

Quentin Villers

Our newly opened fantasy setting will give you the gastronomical experience of a lifetime. Dinner will be served by your own private chef in an intimate room overlooking the rainforest, decorated in the most romantic way.  Don’t miss it!

Coffee Classes

Learn about the history and processing of Costa Rica’s excellent coffee. Taste and smell a variety of coffee from all around the country, brewed 3 different ways. After tasting, you will be able to roast the coffee with the help of our expert. Immerse yourself in this adventure and learn the most exciting secrets about our delicious coffee.


Lava Fields Walk

Ana Villalobos

Our Lava Field Walk tour gives our guests the opportunity to trek over the dried lava fields. It is a chance not only to experience this amazing natural phenomenon, but also to learn more about the history of La Fortuna and the devastation from the 1968 eruption. In many spots, there is loose gravel and stones making it difficult to walk.

Ana Villalobos - Guide

Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge

Pablo Castillo

This incredibly remote, wild area encompasses over 10,000 hectares of jungle, rivers, canals. Guests are likely to see wood storks, cormorants, sandpipers, parrots, toucans, and many more. You will spend about two hours on the river and then return to Los Chiles to enjoy a delicious typical lunch at a local restaurant.

Pablo Castillo - Guide

Wildlife Rescue Center (Volunteering)

Mariela Varela

Proyecto Asis Wildlife Rescue Center is dedicated to the conservation of the environment.The Tour starts with a naturalist guide who gives guests an introduction to the Proyecto Asis. Then together you will walk the trails around, you will have the chance to help the project members to prepare food and care for some of the resident animals.

Mariela Varela - Guide

Experience Yoga Surrounded by Nature

Obtain the health benefits from these practices of mental and physical exercise by relaxing and enjoying the views of the rainforest in our spectacular Yoga pavilion. We want our guests to achieve their highest potential and to experience enduring health and happiness.Our morning group sessions are complimentary for our Guests.