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Yihe Mansions
(from) US$ 215.45

Yihe Mansions

China MainlandNanjing


Awaken all the senses


A gracious look at history

Staying at the Yihe Mansions can be a rich cultural experience, especially in a historical city like Nanjing.
Nanjing, which means “southern capital”, was once the heart of the political administration of China, during the period of the Republic of China from 1912 to 1949, colloquially known as “Min Guo”
The Yihe Mansions are an elegant renaissance revival of upper-class culture and retain the original amorous feelings of the Republic of China.
In the most discreet way possible, each of the 26 of the Yihe Mansions buildings tells a story.
The names of the previous owners include Xue Yue, nicknamed “the Patton of Asia” by US commander Claire Lee Chennault of the Flying Tigers.
The smile of the butler waiting by the door 24/7, or the welcome note in a retro Min Guo style envelope written in the traditional vertical columns, will make your stay a very unique experience.”


Rad Derouiche - Director of Sales & Marketing
LI6A5970 副本

Where Oriental meets Western

Jason Chen

“Le Siècle” or the “Century” is housed in wonderfully renovated 1930's villas, on a lovely Maple tree lined street – Yihe Road. The buildings previously accommodated prominent Army Generals Like General Xue Yue and foreign diplomats during the Republic of China or “the Minguo” period.
The Menu and wine list at Le Siècle is more than spectacular. My selection is the Salmon Mi-cuite as a starter, the Poached Canadian Lobster as a plat principal and the Chocolate Hazelnut Cake for dessert.
But no one goes there only for the food. This restaurant is one that will delight visitors to Nanjing and will give them a good impression of how the elite used to live in during its glory days of the 1920's and 30's.


Jason Chen - Director of Food & Beverage

Find the millennia old cultural heritage in Yihe Mansions

Calvin Ge

We are warmly welcoming you to The Yihe Mansions and experience the millennia old art of woodblock printing.
Typography - one of the 4 greatest achievements of mankind and printing
one of the greatest ancient Chinese inventions starting from the Sui dynasty during the 13th century - more than 150 years before Martin Luther.
Since 1866 (Qing dynasty) Jinling Buddhist cultural Institution is famous for its dean “the living fossil” who is the Authority on engraving and printing, following a teaching career with experience and wisdom while not being afraid sharing his insights with others.
The complete heritage preservation of old traditional crafts such as woodblock printing and wire-bound letters is the mission of Jinling as he Chinese woodblock printing technique was also listed in 2009 list of world intangible cultural heritage.


Calvin Ge - Marketing Manager