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Le Ponant - Cape Verde

Le Ponant - Cape Verde

Cape VerdeMindelo


Awaken all the senses


The many faces of Cape Verde

Itinerary: Roundtrip from Mindelo – Length of cruise: 8 days / 7 nights – Number of departures to this destination: 13 – Le Ponant will sail the waters of Cape Verde from November 2024 to January 2025, and from November to December 2025. This itinerary is provided for informational purposes only and is subject to change.

1 MINDELO - N-2211_C081118_Mindelo©StudioPONANT_Margot Sib


Welcome to the great port of Sao Vicente, the cultural epicenter of Cape Verde–and birthplace of legendary local singer Cesaria Evora. Stroll among its historic buildings, through the colorful alleys of the marketplace, and let the sounds that echo from behind the city's pastel-colored walls wash over you.

2 SAO NICOLAU N-2375_U280919_Lisbonne-Dakar©StudioPONANT-Sylvain Adenot

São Nicolau

With the pastel facades of its charming, historic capital, Ribeira Brava, nestled among steep but verdant landscapes, the island of São Nicolau delights explorers and adventurers alike: they can hike in the mountainous terrain of Fajã, where they will encounter dragon trees, an ancient species that has sadly become quite rare.

3 SANTO ANTAO -0819_U241019_Praia-Dakar©StudioPONANT-Sylvain Adenot

Mindelo to Santo Antao

Long untouched by any human influence, the volcanic Santo Antao terrain bristles with rocky peaks but seduces nature lovers with its terraced fields and steep-sided valleys. Visitors will appreciate its sense of calm, its wild beauty, and its alternating green and mineral panoramas, each one breathtaking in its own right.

4 BOA VISTA ©Studio PONANTNathalie Michel

Boa Vista

Nicknamed ‘the island of dunes’, Boa Vista is renowned for its desert and wild, wind-swept landscapes. This remarkable land, tens of kilometers long, boasts sublime white sand beaches bordered by emerald waters. Take advantage of a stop to swim in a unique marine ecosystem.

5 PRAIA N-0164_U241019_Praia-Dakar©StudioPONANT-Sylvain Adenot


The peaceful capital of Cape Verde is distinguished by leafy streets filled with tamarind and silk trees. Above the port, in the historic center, stands a renowned ethnographic museum that tells the story of the archipelago and its cultural origins. With its mullioned windows, the building alone is worth a detour.

6 MAIO DJI_0470PO150123_le_ponant_seychelles©PONANT-Julien Fabro


In the southwest of the island, the pastel-colored houses of the port of Vila do Maio contrast against a backdrop of undulating hills, while its fortress, built in the 18th century to guard against pirates, bears the traces of a tumultuous past. Today, its long, white sandy beaches simply invite guests to relax.

7 N-1310_U241019_Praia-Dakar©StudioPONANT-Sylvain Adenot


Among the attractions of this volcanic island, discover the picturesque coastal village of Mosteiros and the historic city of São Filipe, where elegant houses of European architecture face the ocean. In the national park, discover old and newer lava flows carpeted with young shoots.

8 MINDELO N-2180_U280919_Lisbonne-Dakar©StudioPONANT-Sylvain Adenot


Welcome to the great port of Sao Vicente, the cultural epicenter of Cape Verde–and birthplace of legendary local singer Cesaria Evora. Stroll among its historic buildings, through the colorful alleys of the marketplace, and let the sounds that echo from behind the city's pastel-colored walls wash over you.