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Skiing with Relais & Châteaux: from Italy to the Rockies

Looking for a snowy paradise complete with freshly groomed slopes and a spa in the mountains in which to relax before enjoying wine and hot chocolate by the fire? Then get your skis on and hit the slopes in Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy or the Rockies. Relais & Châteaux offers all the joys of the mountains at both well-known and les...
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Skiing in the Rockies: a winter wonderland between the USA and Canada

In the heart of the American and Canadian Rockies, winter is set to offer a myriad of activities: downhill skiing, dog sledding, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, carriage rides and ice skating. In Montana, Colorado and Alberta, there’s something for everyone in this landscape of pine forests, frozen lakes, valleys and national parks. At our...
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Great Outdoors: Canada’s Kitchen Cabinet

From Fogo Island to the Rockies, Relais & Châteaux invites you to explore Canadian cuisine through the diversity of this vast country’s territories. Our seven properties here are dedicated to preserving their regions’ unique identities by putting each one’s history and culture on the menu.


Personal Hideaway, Hospitality Included

As well as its 580 hotels and restaurants worldwide, Relais & Châteaux offers a meticulously-curated collection of 600 villas. Each blends the privacy and seclusion of a private home with access to all the services guests can expect from a hotel.


Art of the Wedding: 7 ways to live out your romantic fantasies

With 2022 poised to be the year of the wedding, as couples finally feel free to plan the celebrations of their dreams, the newly published Art of the Wedding by Relais & Châteaux (Rizzoli) provides irresistible inspiration while showcasing the most coveted wedding locations in North America.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Our Top 10 Jean Berthelot de La Glétais

Ski the world's most legendary slopes

The very mention of their names gets all skiers dreaming, and some of the most coveted slopes are within easy reach of Relais & Châteaux hotels. Discover them before you speed down them...