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Post Hotel & Spa
(from) US$ 454.30

Post Hotel & Spa

CanadaAlbertaLake Louise


Awaken all the senses

I Gully, Lake Louise

This is the run that experienced skiers dream of: steep and almost always topped with powder snow. First, you have to make your way to the Whitehorn sector to find the nine corridors known as ‘gullies’, whose index letters denote their increasing difficulty, I being the most challenging. Having risen to the challenge, you’ll be all the happier to return to the hotel to relax in front of a crackling fire.

Discovering Winter Wonderland

Andre Schwarz

Discover the beauty of the Lake Louise region, when snow covers the horizon and shapes this winter paradise. Enjoy 1,600 hectares of ski trails, or go cross-country skiing, dog-sledding or even horse-drawn.

Andre Schwarz - Co-Owner

Touching Nature

Here, in the heart of Banff National Park with the spectacular Rocky Mountains as a backdrop, you will find some of the most picturesque scenery imaginable. Whether hiking, fishing, white water rafting or just taking it all in; this pristine wilderness will embrace you and touch your being. Unspoiled natural beauty, a safe home for bountiful wildlife and breathtaking vistas in every direction – it’s an ultimate connection with nature.

Wine Cellar - Private Dining
Wine cellar

A Love for Fine Wine

George Schwarz

25,500 bottles and 2300 selections, it’s one of the country’s largest wine cellars. I embarked on a lifelong passion for fine wine at an early age and never looked back. Today, the cellar and wine program represent one of the Hotel’s biggest draws. Cellar tours induce “awe” moments. Our guest’s love of wine was the inspiration for two of the Hotel’s most treasured experiences – the Winemaker Dinner Series and our renowned festival – Wine Summit Lake Louise – a three day event that assembles some of the world’s most celebrated winery owners and winemakers with our wine loving guests.

George Schwarz - Co-Proprietor