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(from) US$ 387.46

Post Lech Arlberg

AustriaLech am Arlberg



Skiing with Relais & Châteaux: from Italy to the Rockies

Looking for a snowy paradise complete with freshly groomed slopes and a spa in the mountains in which to relax before enjoying wine and hot chocolate by the fire? Then get your skis on and hit the slopes in Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy or the Rockies. Relais & Châteaux offers all the joys of the mountains at both well-known and les...
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Skiing in Austria: the Tyrol, so much more than just skiing!

The vast mountain landscapes of the Tyrol are in the west of Austria, a region in which seven Relais & Châteaux properties nestle at the foot of the slopes. A warm atmosphere emanates from these magnificent chalets with beautiful painted façades, like wooden lace decorating the outline of the roofs. Austrian sophistication can also...
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Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Travel Family story Sabine Bouvet

New Generations

Five estates: five family stories. Respect for tradition balanced by a contemporary outlook. From within the Relais & Châteaux family, from all corners of the world, we present five hoteliers and restaurateurs eager to pass their passions on to the next generation.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Travel Travel journal Sabine Bouvet

10 Eco-Friendlier Ski Resorts

Around the world, ski resorts are working towards a more sustainable tourism and the preservation of their environment. Our properties at the foot of the slopes are also working in this direction. Find out how in our first sustainability report.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Our Top 10 Anne-Marie Cattelain

A Dozen Winter Wonderlands for the Holidays in Europe

Breathe in the icy air, ski, stroll amidst the drifts, unplug and steep yourself in the mountain atmosphere. Here are twelve warm, welcoming Relais & Châteaux properties in Europe’s peaks and valleys, offering sparkling winter days and nights.