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The Amauris Vienna
(from) US$ 333.86

The Amauris Vienna




Christmas markets: Take advantage of 10 Relais & Châteaux city hotels

Unmissable Christmas markets pervaded by a cozy atmosphere where the smell of cinnamon and gingerbread from local baked goods hangs in the air. Ice rinks, ice sculptures, carousels and beautiful handcrafts herald the arrival of Christmas, to the delight of children and adults alike. In Alsace and Eastern Europe, the Christmas markets form part of t...
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Go on a city break getaway before the summer ends!

And what if “back-to-work” means “traveling” and “going back” means “taking off”? All around the world, from the friendliest to the largest cities, they all reveal beautiful mysteries via alleyways or avenues. Glass, wood, and brick architectures, medinas or huge cities with countless skyscrapers, thi...
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Welcome to our new Relais & Châteaux Members!

Relais & Châteaux welcomes 3 new Members into the association. Relais & Châteaux is returning to Vienne and is seeing a new destination emerge, Zanzibar. New York boasts a new Michelin-starred restaurant from Gabriel Kreuther, now a Relais & Châteaux Chef. 
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Why not treat yourself to a city break at one of our Relais & Châteaux city properties this Easter?

Are you keen to discover the soul of a city and experience its charm? Do you like the scale of New York as much as the romanticism of Vienna? Our selection of Relais & Châteaux hotels will satisfy your need for an urban escape this Easter.
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New Year in Europe: experience a magical New Year at one of our Relais & Châteaux destinations!

Celebrate New Year in Paris, Florence, Rome, Venice or Porto? Are you still looking for ideas for a fairy-tale New Year trip to Europe? Spend New Year’s Day with friends, as a couple, or with family, Europe’s cities are the ideal place to take part in the New Year’s Eve celebrations while discovering charming and secret destinatio...
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Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge News Clara Lefort

Urban Adventures

Relais & Châteaux’s downtown hotels are perfectly placed for exploring the cultural attractions of our most inspiring cities.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Travel Travel journal Olivier Bauer

The Amauris Vienna: Amid the Masters of Music

Vienna, Austria: does any other metropolis in the world have as many streets and squares named after composers– Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Strauss and Brahms? Each one of these musicians is a strand in the city’s DNA and their faces can often still be seen on the city’s many advertising pillars.