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Las Balsas
(from) US$ 261.75

Las Balsas

ArgentinaVilla La Angostura


Awaken all the senses

Moments LB 8

Patagonia according to Las Balsas

Patagonia is our home, and we want to share it with you. This is why we have created unique and authentic experiences linked to its history, people, nature and geography. Become the main character in this adventure as you discover its best-kept secrets. A variety of perfectly tailored excursion options are available. In the company of our specialized local guides, all of whom speak English, you’ll discover a multitude of hidden treasures in this fascinating and infinitely rich land.

Tastes of Argentina

By the Nahuel Huapí lake, Tango and Malbec combines for an incredible soiree. A charming candlelit dinner with a bottle of Malbec is enlivened with a soft tango music behind, accompanying the evening. Lucia Mazer, one of the best tango dancers, together with her partner, delight the guest with incredible tango footsteps, “cortes y quebradas”. We invite you to experience Argentina at Las Balsas.

Juan Pablo Alvarez - Commercial Manager
Spa LB 1
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Spa LB 5
Spa LB 6

Relaxation by the lake

Sebastian Tuvio

The unique landscapes of our surroundings give the guest a very special added value that transforms the activity at the spa into a very holistic experience. Las Balsas Spa has 3 different tours that combine the natural elements with massages and body treatments, revitalizing mind and body. These tours give the guest, the chance to enjoy the spa in a very holistic way. Enjoy it!

Sebastian Tuvio - Maître de Maison
Moments LB 1
Moments LB 3
Moments LB 9
Moments LB 8
Moments LB 4
Moments LB 2

Explore the lake

Make two steps away from your room, and embark yourself in full day lake cruise including walking trails & kayaking. Discover the famous Myrtle protected forest with our local guides. Enjoy kayaking among the bays and shores of Nahuel Huapi Lake. Be ready for a typical barbecue.

Ignacio Centroni - Clefs D’Or Concierge