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Awasi Iguazu
(from) US$ 1,786.68

Awasi Iguazu

ArgentinaPuerto Iguazu


Awaken all the senses

Natural Spa - Luciano Bacchi
Rainbow falls - Evan Austen
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Iguazu Waterfalls

“The Iguazu Waterfalls are one of the most sought-after natural wonders of the world – and for good reason. At Awasi, our guests have the privilege of being able to visit them on their own schedule and as many times as they want to with their private guide, not having to adapt to groups. This experience is a must!”

Natural Spa - Luciano Bacchi

Discover the Atlantic Rainforest

Did you know that Iguazú Falls is part of the Atlantic Forest? Extending along Brazil’s coastline and inland into Paraguay and extreme northeastern Argentina, it is a region of remarkable biodiversity. This incredibly beautiful autonomous tropical rainforest is home to thousands of endemic plants and animals. Having worked with renowned biologists, archeologists, and other local specialists to create a series of original excursions, we invite you to discover this enthralling place that will leave you with lasting memories. With its amazing landscapes, history, fauna, and flora, Misiones Province is an incredible mix of contrasts and diversity.

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Cultural Encounters

This corner of the world is best known for its nature and biodiversity, but the cultural aspect is equally rich. The local inheritance is strongly influenced by European immigrants of the early 20th century, but also by the native inhabitants of these lands: the Guarani communities. With their help, we have developed authentic, sustainable experiences that allow our guests to get to know them and their traditions first hand.

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Awasi Iguazu: exceptional flora and fauna

This luxuriant tropical forest is a refuge for a host of extraordinary flora and fauna. Take a moment to listen to the sounds of nature. Guests of Awasi Iguazu can venture off the beaten track to discover superb spots for observing local wildlife.