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Château de Valmer

Château de Valmer

FranciaLa Croix-Valmer

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Another side of Provence

Another side of Provence


10 villas en plena naturaleza

Relais & Châteaux lanza una propuesta de villas y casas privadas, aisladas y con una amplia gama de servicios, para poder planificar al fin un viaje de desconexión sin contravenir las normas de distanciamiento físico. La intimidad y libertad del «hogar dulce hogar» en la otra punta del mundo sin renunciar a la...
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¡9 nuevos miembros de Relais & Châteaux, 2 nuevas destinaciones!

Relais & Châteaux se enorgullece de presentar a sus nuevos miembros. Dos nuevos destinos han ampliado nuestra oferta de países: Bulgaria y Reunión. Costa Rica ha añadido otra propiedad en el corazón de la jungla tropical, del mismo modo que Sri Lanka, que ha abierto un alojamiento único en el parque naci...
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Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Our Top 10 Anne-Marie Cattelain

Away from it all

Whether nestled in the depths of the old-growth forest or near the ocean waves along the shorelines, these ten locations all enjoy exceptional natural surroundings, and many are completely isolated, offering unique stays in cabins, huts and tents – and giving you a new angle on the world.


Earth-Friendly Œnotourism in Far-Flung Destinations

Guests experience wine tourism at more than 250 Relais & Châteaux properties, 60 of which produce wine. On these estates, "sense of place" takes center stage where terroir and passion collide to produce some of the world's most interesting wines, all done with sustainability at top of mind.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Our Top 10 Julie Lasterade

7 Thrilling Stays in France that Sweep You Away

Relais & Châteaux opens the doors to seven properties in France that bring you back to your senses through contemplation and tranquil immersion in a natural setting.


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